มาตรวัดการไหลชนิดอัลตร้าโซนิค Clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter deltawaveC

รหัสสินค้า : deltawaveC


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daltawaveC was tested and certified for hazardous area applications. Both, transducers and electronics fulfill Eexd requirements (flame proove). More good news: Even if you are using the Ex-electronics you must not give up the big display and the simplicity of the handling. The Ex unit uses the same HMI then the non Ex-Version.

The Eexd-certification offers you the option of combining Ex- and Non-Ex electronics and transducers. In many applications, the Ex area is only several meters around the pipe. In such cases Ex-transducers can be combined with Non Ex-electronis. This will save money and your installtion fullfills still the safety requirements.

deltawaveC jetzt auch im Ex Bereich

Accurate, Drift-Free, Robust

deltawaveC-F measures by using the extreme accurate ultrasonic transit time method. In this method, the measure rate is very high, typical 50-150 times per second. The high number of measurements can be performed by using the advantage of modern digital signal processing. deltawaveC-F is drift-free and reliable. Even with sophisticated measurements where the liquid contains gas or particles.

Integrated heat-transfer measurement

Usually a expensive feature – a standard function when using deltawaveC-F. In addition to precisely measuring flow rate deltawaveC-F is also prepared to measure heat flow and heat quantitiy reliably. For measuring the required temperatures at the feed and return pipes systec Controls offers clamp-on temperature sensors which can be installed again without interruption of pipe or process. Of course any existing PT100 temperature sensors can be used directly. Since the standard transducers of deltawaveC-F can be used within a temperature range of -40…150°C deltawaveC-F covers most of all heat-transfer applications.

Clamp-on now also for Gas Pipes

deltawaveC-F is now also available for gas metering in pipes from 25 to 500mm diameter and wall thicknesses from 1 to more than 20mm. The advantages are basically the same as for liquids: No wear and tear, no pressure loss, no cutting of the pipe, easy installation under pressure. The new developped auto optimizer technology secures the best possible signal without expert knowledge on site. deltawave optimizes itselve 100% automatically in terms of frequency and burst type to ensure, that the new lamb wave transducers get the bes possible signal trough the pipe wall. The results of this: higher reliability, better perfomance and accuraccy even for aplications which are no easy task clamp-on gas meters.  

Ideal applications are pressurized air, hydro carbon gas pipelines, natural gas, air dissection plants, chemical plants.

Typical Applications

  • Powerplants
  • Cooling water
  • District heating
  • Pump control
  • Water- and sewage
  • In- and outlet of sewage plants
  • Drinkwater networks, custody flowmeter check
  • Pump controls
  • HVAC
  • Hot- and cold Water
  • Cooling and Heating distributiuon
  • Optimization of energy networks
  • Pump control and regulation
  • Petrochenmistry
  • Raw- and light oil
  • Water and Sewage
  • Aggressive and toxic fluids
  • Mesurement of heating fluis such as thermal oil
  • Food Industries
  • Hygenic measurement of all Liquids
  • Heatmesurements
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